Bras Crème caramel, a family recipe

“Mémé” Bras have passed on her passion for cooking to son Michel and grandson Sébastien, and her recipes have been preciously kept by her family. Here is her recipe for a French classic dessert and an all-time favorite. All you need is eggs, milk, sugar, and some vanilla for flavor.

Creme caramel by Michel Bras

“So rich, smooth and tasty, here is Mémé Bras “crème renversée” (overturned custard) as we call baked custard in French. “


For 14 ramekins (9 cm / 3,5 inches)

Ingredients for Creme caramel by Michel Bras

1 L milk

180 g sugar

6 whole eggs + 6 egg yolks

1 vanilla pod

For the caramel:

200g sugar + 5cl water


Pour the milk in a pan.
Cut the vanilla pod in half lengthwise  and scrape the seeds out with a knife.
Combine the seeds and pod with the milk.
Bring to a gentle boil.
Scraping vanilla pods with knife number 1 by Michel Bras
Pour the sugar in a pan to make the caramel. Add 5 cl of water to humidify the sugar.
Bring to a boil, cook on low heat until you obtain a nice brown caramel.
Caramelization image for Creme caramel by Michel Bras
While the caramel is slowly browning, set the ramekins in a deep-sided baking dish. Pour the caramel in the ramekins and coat the bottom while the caramel is still liquid. Let it set.
Final state of caramel to be served with creme caramel
Crack the 6 whole eggs and separate the 6 other egg yolks in a pastry bowl, sprinkle the sugar and blanch the eggs by beating vigorously.
Preparation of eggs for creme caramel by Michel Bras
When the milk comes to a boil, turn off the heat to prevent it from boiling over.

Pour the boiling milk at once over the blanched eggs and sugar mix.

Combine with a hand whisk.

Strain the preparation through a chinois strainer.

Remove the foam forming a the surface with a skimmer.

Preparation of mixture of eggs and milk for creme caramel

Pour the hot mixture into the caramel-coated ramekins.

Pour hot water into the baking dish so that the ramekins are immersed up to 1/2 deep in the bain-marie.

Preheat the oven to 150 C. Bake for about 45 minutes, depending on the oven.

Final step of creme caramel by Michel Bras

Make sure the central part of the custard is no longer liquid when tapping the ramekin. Remove from the dish from the oven, let the ramekins cold down.

Remove from the bain-marie and keep in the fridge until ready to serve.

To serve, slide a thin knife around the edges to release the custard smoothly.

Place a dish over the top of the ramekin and flip upside down.

You can also serve the crème caramel directly in the ramekin on a plate.

Knife number 1 and creme caramel by Michel Bras

Bon appétit!