Michel BRAS Côté Japon

Soft Orientation (B) Masaki KUSADA
HS Code: 7013.99
Soft orientation
φ17-19xh5cm Masaki KUSADA
Among many techniques of blown glass, Kusada consistently uses the "pinblow" technique. The reason is that it is a technique which can make a vessel by itself. He does not intervene by blowing into the glass, which is often employed. No tools are used to touch the surface of the glass. No patterns are added with colors or bubbles. The centrifugal force and gravity of turning glass wound around an iron rod, and the repeated actions of the artist who lends his hand to the turning. The slight expression at the moment when they overlap. The transparency of the slight melody that can be heard is beautiful.
Born in Hashima, Gifu Prefecture
1991 Graduated from Nagoya University, Department of Civil Engineering
While still in school, he launched the theater company "Aquarium of Bacchus," for which he was in charge of organizing, writing, directing, stage design, and acting.
1993 Completed first semester of Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
1993-97 Worked at the Mitsubishi Research Institute, a think tank of the Mitsubishi Group
Involved in formulating visions and creating policies related to the symbiosis between the environment and regional development.
1998 Moved from urban development to manufacturing to explore a worldview that he could complete on his own.
2000 Craft City Takaoka Craft Competition 2000, Silver Prize, "Warm Rain"
2001 Encouragement Prize, Takaoka Craft Competition 2001, "Tried to sway in the lake" (Crafts City Takaoka Craft Competition 2001)
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