A simple yet perfect combination : Potato salad with white truffles by Michel Bras

Michel Bras peeling potato with knife number 1
The flavor of white truffles is so delicate, you don’t want to lose it preparing dishes that are too elaborate. Michel Bras suggests this easy recipe, so simple yet so delicious, to enjoy their subtle aroma at their best. The simplicity of plain potatoes will enhance the subtle aroma of white truffles. You will also enjoy the contrast between the textures.
plain potatoes and white truffle dish
Slice them as thin as you wish using the Petite Mandoline. Do it just before serving in order to fully enjoy the truffles’ fresh and rich fragrance. 
petite mandoline by Michel Bras Kitchenware


18 oz. (510 g) potatoes

5 oz. (140 g) white truffles

3 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. white wine vinegar for the vinaigrette

Salt, pepper


Wash and boil the potatoes, peel them, cut them into thin slices.

plain potato slices with vinagrette

Layer on a plate and season with vinaigrette.

Slicing white truffles using la petite mandoline by Michel Bras

Slice white truffles over the potatoes using the Petite Mandoline, and season with salt and pepper.

Finishing slicing white truffles over potatoes with Petite Mandoline by Michel Bras

Et voilà!A simple, quick, easy and a pure delight, perfect to entertain guests or just enjoy with your family and friends.

Potato and white truffle recipe by Michel Bras