A feast of colors, textures and flavors – Roasted red Bell pepper, a julienne of celery and sliced fruits.

Roasted red Bell pepper, a julienne of celery and sliced fruits.

Combining a roasted red Bell pepper with sliced fruits and a julienne of celery offers a surprising contrast of textures, colors and flavors. A simple preparation for a rare sophistication…



1 red Bell pepper
1 stalk of celery
1 tbsp. basil leaves
1 oz. (30 g) strawberries
1 oz. (30 g) apricot or plum
Olive oil

Pre-heat the oven at 400°F (200°C).
Lay a red Bell pepper on its side, on a baking sheet, and roast in the oven for 20 minutes. Use tongs to turn it occasionally until the skin is wrinkled.

 Bell pepper preparation at bras restaurant

Nicely hull, remove the seeds and display the stem and the pepper on a plate.

covering bell pepper with celery julienne made with petite mandoline by Michel Bras

paprika with celery julienne by Michel Bras

Cover with a julienne of celery.

Roasted red Bell pepper, a julienne of celery and sliced fruits.

Slice apricots or plums, strawberries with the Petite Mandoline, layering on top of the red Bell pepper, and add a few basil leaves.
Crunchy, soft, tender, juicy, sweet, bitter, sour…so much to enjoy in one dish!

Two julienne and a Petite Mandoline recently joined the three graters in the Tools series. Interchanging blades on a single handle allows infinite creativity…

5 expressions by Michel Bras